Excavation legislation processes

Natural stone, sand and gravel are the foundation of a progressive society.

The extraction of raw materials in quarries or opencast mines always comes at a cost to nature and the environment, making it a process that must be carried out purposefully and carefully. Points of contact with federal or regional sectoral legislation (BBergG (German Federal Mining Act), BimSchG (German Federal Immission Control Act), WHG (German Federal Water Resources Act), BnatSchG (German Federal Act for the Protection of Nature) AbgrG NRW (Mining Act North Rhine-Westphalia), etc.) are an unavoidable occurrence.

Extensive experience in supervising sand and gravel deposit sites as well as solid rock mining sites means we can satisfy the complex legislative requirements of authorisation procedures.

We are here to support you throughout from the beginning of the planning phase, to the compiling of the necessary documents and reports, to the implementation of the project.

Our consultation services

  • Excavation planning
  • Excavation approval request
  • Recultivation / renewal
  • Authorisation certificates in accordance with BimSchG (German Federal Immission Control Act), BBergG (German Federal Mining Act), AbgrG NRW (Mining Act North Rhine-Westphalia), WHG (German Federal Water Resources Act), BnatSchG (German Federal Act for the Protection of Nature), ...
  • Planning approval in accordance with legislation concerning water use
  • Planning permissions in accordance with legislation concerning water use

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